We discussed in our previous posts how our ankles suffer from tremendous amount of pressure and pain. We put a lot of weight on our feet and ankles and this
Worried about your bones and joints? Do you take enough Vitamin D? You already know and understand how calcium works to benefit your bones and keeps osteoporosis at bay. This...
Not much! Yes, because even the name doesn’t do a lot to pique interest. I mean who would want to go out with their friends and get tired walking instead
Planning to run for a marathon? Cool! We all know how beneficial running is for the health of our joints. Marathons or similar activities on the side let us make...
So, you’ve finally decided that you are going to take part in this marathon. But you are still not sure where to begin to improve your fitness level. All your...
Are You Hurting Your Joints? Really, you need to ask yourself this question right now! There are habits that expose our joints to damage and wear and tear. We don’t...
Running is good for us. It is an athletic movement that involves a lot of our joints working together to push us forward. Running is recommended for weight loss and...
You complain a lot about your joint pains and knee and back ache in particular. Some might consider all this a sign of old age, but this is not necessarily...